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Become a Member


OPTION Categories of Engagement

Regular Member Definition

  • Regular Members must be a listening and spoken language program for children who are deaf/hard of hearing.
  • Regular Members must have provided services for a minimum of three years.

Application Process

To apply for Regular Membership:

  • Complete the Regular Membership Application (below) 

Forward the Application Packet to to be submitted to the OPTION Executive Board. The packet must include:  

  • A minimum of two letters of support from current Regular Members
  • A minimum of two letters of support from families.  One letter should be from a family currently served by the applying program and one letter should be from an alumni family
  • Review of the OPTION Standards Document evidenced by it being co-signed by one of the supporting Regular Members and the applying program
  • A copy of the applying program’s mission statement
  • Description of services being provided by the program
  • A letter of verification confirming that the program’s board or governing body supports membership in OPTION
  • A signed letter of commitment to participate in the Listening and Spoken Language-Data Repository (LSL-DR)

Applying program must be approved by a majority vote of OPTION Regular Members

Regular Member dues will be invoiced upon approval of application

Benefits of Regular Membership:

  • Voting privileges
  • Eligible to apply for LSL-DR grants and other OPTION grants when available
  • Serve on the Executive Board
  • Participate on committees
  • Receive eNewsletter
  • Be part of a network of like-minded professionals
  • Can write letters of support for potential new members
  • Receive Foundation Directory Online at a discounted rate when applicable
  • Access to OPTION Members Only portal

To Maintain Regular Member in Good Standing Status

Member Programs must:

  • Be represented at the Annual Meeting at least three of every five years
  • Have at least one representative actively serving on the OPTION board or on a committee, three of every five years.  Active participation is defined as being responsive to the Committee Chair’s communication and participating in scheduled committee meetings.
  • Pay assigned annual dues in accordance with the established deadlines
  • Participate in the Listening and Spoken Language-Data Repository (LSL-DR) 
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Services/Programs Offered:

To Maintain Regular Member in Good Standing Status, Member Programs must:

  • Be represented at the Annual Meeting at least three of every five years
  • Have at least one representative actively serving on the OPTION board or on a committee, three of every five years. Active participation is defined as being responsive to the Committee Chair’s communication and participating in scheduled committee meetings.
  • Pay assigned annual dues in accordance with the established deadlines
  • Participate in the Listening and Spoken Language-Data Repository (LSL-DR). Once membership is established, a User Agreement will be created providing access to the data repository.
I certify that all information included in this OPTION, Inc. membership application is true and accurate. As a representative of my program, I understand that our program will be billed for membership dues if this application is approved and membership privileges will not begin until dues are paid.
  • Decibel - Regeneron Logo
    Decibel - Regeneron Logo